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  • freitasca 8:12 am on February 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Produsage, Reddit, University Subreddits,   

    Have you Reddit?: University Edition 

    According to Clay Shirky the elements that make up The Web 2.0 are sharing, cooperation, collaboration, and collective action.  All of these elements can be seen in many websites, but one website that stands out in particular is Reddit.com.

    Reddit.com’s slogan is “The Front Page of the Internet.” Reddit.com, the largest Internet message board in the world, is “a social news and entertainment website that allows its members to upload and share photos, videos, and what they call “original content” (Wikipedia.com). Sharing, one of Shirky’s elements of the Web 2.0, allows Reddit to be a community where strangers interact based off voting and commenting on each other’s posts.  This process of voting is called “upvoting” and “downvoting” and can only be done by the members of Reddit. While you have to be a member of Reddit in order to comment and vote on posts, the website is available to those that do not have an account. These people can see all the content, including comments, but they are not allowed to participate in the conversation. These people are called lurkers. Those that have accounts and post original content are called original posters, or OP. This is what Reddit.com looks like when you first arrive at the site:

    Reddit Front Page 2 http://www.reddit.com/ (More …)

    • mdeseriis 1:07 pm on February 26, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Cara, thank you for writing this travelogue on Reddit and the Boston-area universities subreddits. You do a good job in introducing Reddit to the uninitiated, but you remain pretty much on the surface. I understand that this is partly due to the fact that the subreddits you researched are not very active and some of the moderators did not get back to you. However, it is not just a matter of producing substantial original research. It is also a matter of employing the concepts we have explored in class in an accurate manner.

      For example, you claim that Reddit is the ultimate example of “produsage.” To begin with, you should explain what this concept means and attribute it to an author (I see no reference list). Second, Axel Bruns describes produsage using four distinctive features. While Reddit meets the first three criteria, it does not meet the fourth one (“common property, individual rewards”). As a matter of fact, Reddit is owned by Advance Publications, the parent company of Condé Nast–i.e., it is all but owned by its users. While Advance Publications has decided (for now) to let the community manage and drive Reddit in its own way, it could step in at any time and, for example, delete content or introduce rules that are not approved by Redditors. If we had to stick to Bruns’ definition of produsage only a site such as Wikipedia and few open source software projects are truly owned and controlled by their produsers. Of course, this does not mean that Reddit has nothing to do with produsage, only that such a statement needs to be qualified.

  • napuah 11:45 am on January 12, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Audience, , , Produsage,   

    Reading Summary: Bruns, Rosen 

    Axel Bruns- The Key Characteristics of Produsage

    Key Term: Produsage- combination of Production and Usage, “The collaborative and continuous building and extending of existing content in pursuit of further improvement.”

    Key Characteristics of Produsage:

    1) Open Participation, Communal Evaluation.
    Everyone can help solve the problem or achieve the goal, and the more people that help the more likely it is they’ll get it right.

    2) Fluid Hierarchy, AD Hoc Meritocracy:
    Users all have equal potential to contribute. Most communities have loose leadership, but individual users standings change depending on the quality and frequency of the their contributions.

    Key Term: Equipotentiallity- skills and abilities of users vary, but they have equal ability to make a worthy contribution to the project.

    3) Unfinished Artifacts, Continuing process.
    Projects are continuously being critiqued and improved. Therefore they can never be finished products, so they are referred to as artefacts. An artefact is a snapshot of a project in that moment, which is likely to change and eventually improve.

    4) Common Property, Individual Rewards.
    Community and belonging rather than money drives participation. Instead of focusing on monetary rewards, participation in the produsage is motivated by contributing to a communal purpose. Individual rewards come in the form of social capitol and community standing, occasionally leading to outside benefits like professional recognition and even employment.

    Impact and Implications of Produsage

    Commercial embrace of produsage is broken down into models:

    • Feeding the hive- intellectual contributions from public domain to support produsage.
    • Helping the hive- services aimed at the produsage community
    • Harboring the hive: hosting services to the produsage community. (like Flickr or Youtube)
    • Harnessing the hive: non commercial ways to use the produsage artefacts
    • Harvesting the hive: using produsage artefacts for commercial purposes.
    • Hijacking the hive: focused only on financial gain, attempting to strip users of their rights to the artefacts.

    Jay Rosen- The People Formerly Known as the Audience

    The people formerly known as the audience, defined as those who were on the receiving end of a formerly one-way media system who today are not. Now called “former audience”- defined as owners and operators of tools that were once exclusively used by media people to capture and hold their attention.

    Examples: Freedom of the press is distributed to the people through blogs, radio is now accessible through podcasts, video shooting and editing is more accessible, the people can now edit and choose the news most important to them, and spread the word horizontally amongst ourselves as efficiently as big media.

    Discussion Questions:

    What do you think the most important characteristic is of Produsage? Least Important?
    Do you consider yourself a member of the “former audience”? How do you participate in active use of media tools?

    • mdeseriis 9:54 pm on January 12, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Very clear summary, Napua. Can you add 2-3 questions to spark a discussion?

    • robtayl 10:56 am on January 14, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Regarding Bruns, I’m a video editor, and I think the video editing field is a really good example of produsage. Several software applications– Adobe Premiere, Apple’s Final Cut Pro, Avid Media Composer, iMovie, Windows MovieMaker, Sony Vegas–are sold for mass audiences to use. As a person who has bought these programs, I am both the producer and the consumer (the user). It’s interesting that they can sell a tool which will propagate itself, because more videos means more people will want to make videos.

      I wonder about the “hive” metaphor a bit, though, because I feel that it’s based on principles that everyone plays an equally important role in a “produsage culture.” I think 99% of society’s produsagers are expendable… that although they produce as well as use, the gaps that their loss would create aren’t drastic enough to have a big impact on the hive. However, I think that 1% of produsagers–the 1% that “harbor the hive” and create the system that allows users to produsage–are necessary to the function of the whole. I didn’t feel the article made that clear enough, I don’t think we’re in a world of equity where information is free and unfiltered. Closer maybe, but not completely.

      I do consider myself a member of the former audience, and as Napua mentions, video shooting and editing is EXTREMELY accessible. There are so many classes now that even teach “how to use iMovie” in projects, I’m curious to see if in the next twenty years submitting videos begins to replace submitting papers.

    • mdeseriis 11:42 am on January 14, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      Robbie,this is a great example, yet I do not think that it would meet all the criteria outlined by Bruns to describe produsage. In particular #4 (shared, not owned contents) presupposes a common property of the information commons which I do not see in the proprietary software that you describe above. Users are allowed to use those software but are they allowed to co-develop them? And even admitting so (I am not sure whether some of those software have an open source component) would they reap the benefits of their contributions?

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